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Demo cartridges

The demo cartridges have to be restored to your account before you can look at them. This is how that is done:

  • Click on the cartridge that you want to test
  • Save the cartridge to a location on your computer that you can easily find (e.g C:\wherigo)
  • Log in to Earwigo
  • Go to the Earwigo cartridge management (Manage cartridges)
  • select the Operation Restore
  • Select “Browse” and find the demo cartridge that you have downloaded a few minutes ago.
  • Be careful that you do not create identical cartridge names in Earwigo (rename the existing cartridge if you have to avoid name conflicts).
  • Click on “Submit” to restore the demo cartridge to your account.
  • It is normally the best practice to play the cartridge in Webwigo (“Run in Webwigo”) to get a first impression.
  • Also open the cartridge code in Earwigo on a separate browser tab.
  • Compare Webwigo actions with the Earwigo code.
  • Have fun ;-)

Cart: Talk to a character


This cartridge demonstrates how you position a character in a zone and how you can talk to the character.


  • Character Container (position)
  • Character Commands
  • Character Command Events
  • Messages

Cart: Printing Variables


This cartridge demonstrates how to print a variable and how to change it to display a user input.


  • variable
  • print
  • input

Cart: Timer Demo Cartridge

  • Download (right mouse button, download as…): carttimerdemo.txt
  • Demo-Creator: GeoMagician


This demo explains the difference between countdown and interval timers. It gives you an example how to display the remaining time to the player. To do this the cartridge has to start timers, stop timers and react on timer events (tic event).


  • Count Down Timer
  • Interval Timer
  • Display Timer Value
  • Play Anywhere

Cart: Moving Zone

  • Download (right mouse button, download as…): carthunted.txt
  • Demo-Creator: Charlenni based on code by Bodenseepinguin


This demo features a moving zone that hunts the player. A timer is used to move the zone every 5 seconds. Customer LUA script (located under Cartridge/AuthorScript) provides the functionality to move the zone. Additional magic (LUA-commands) is hidden on the timer's Tic event page. Remember to check this page as well as the Author Script.


  • Moving zone
  • Author script
  • LUA commands
  • Timer
  • Earwigo variable names in LUA

Cart: Solve Groups of Zones


One initial zone activates a set of sub-zones. Once these sub-zones have all been visited, a second set of sub-zones appears. The concept is similar to the “Lights out” concept of the Kit builder.


  • Expressions (requires IF statement)
  • If statements (using expressions)
  • Flag variables
  • Overlapping zones
  • Lights out concept

Cart: Variables and Conditions


This is a tutorial cartridge about conditions (expressions), variables and simple function calls. The user has to pick up a key and use it to unlock the 2nd zone. Then he has to find several items to unlock the 3rd zone. Start the cartridge and go to the Mission Briefing.


  • picking up items
  • using items
  • counting with variables
  • function call
  • several items needed to unlock zone
  • expressions (needs IF)
  • If (needs expression)

Cart: Parallel Zone Task AKA "Lights Out"


The player has to visit 3 zones in any order (lights out for all 3 zones) to unlock the final zone. Tasks are used to inform the player about the remaining tasks and to calculate player progress.


  • Variables
  • Expressions
  • If
  • Lights Out
  • Tasks as progress conter
  • Completing tasks

Cart: Multiple Choice


This cartridge uses one multiple choice input to start and stop some timers


  • Multiple Choice
  • Input
  • Interval Timer
  • Countdown Timer

Cart: Completion Code

  • Download (right mouse button, download as…): cartcomplcode.eff
  • Demo-Creator: GeoMagician


This cartridge will show you how to present the completion code to your players.


  • Completion code
  • Item Command

Cart: Items inside items


This cartridge demonstrates how you can overcome a Wherigo problem with items inside items. The problem is that you can not see or select items that have been placed inside other items. You can script around this problem but here is a quicker solution.

Why should you care? Because it is smart to put items inside a character or another item (I will call this item ContainerItem). Once your items are inside the character or the ContainerItem they will move together with it.

You can always see items that have been placed in the player's inventory. If your game idea works with all items inside the player's inventory, you have no problem. You do not need this demo cartridge.

If you want to activate and deactivate several items together, here is a solution

  1. create an invisible Zone (named ContainerZone) that will contain your items
  2. the position of this zone should be somewhere outside the real world cartridge play area to avoid confusion
  3. Set Show Objects in the ContainerZone to “always”
  4. deactivate the ContainerZone when you do not want to see the items
  5. activate the ContainerZone when you need to see the items

There is a catch with this trick. Items will show up but they will be more or less far away from the player. You have to create a story that makes this plausible (consider working with a Tardis instead of a box. This should make it easier to explain the distance issue ;-) )


  • Items in Items
  • Visibility of items inside zones

XXX Demo Cartridge

  • Download (right mouse button, download as…): cartNameName.eff
  • Demo-Creator: YourName


Put your description here. Use this text as a copy and paste template (saves all of us a lot of time ;-) )


  • Key word
  • Key word
  • Key word

democartridges.1470383987.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/05 09:59 by Boettchers